Fibroids And Infertility: Few Facts Must Be Known

Fibroids And Infertility

  1. What are fibroids?
    Fibroids are a type of smooth muscle uterine tumor. It usually resembles a fibrous muscle structure. It is a very common problem for women in your life.
  2. Is it cancerous or evil?
    Although fibroids are tumors, they are generally not malignant or cancerous. In very rare cases it becomes cancerous or malignant. In general, fibroids are not closely related to malignancy.
  3. What are the different names of fibroma?
    You can see different names of fibroids in medical records or documents, for example, uterine fibroid, fibromyoma, leiomyoma, etc.
  4. How many types of fibroids are seen?
    There are several types of fibroids. But more often we see 3 types of fibroids depending on their location in the uterus
    to. Submucosa: when it develops and appears in the internal uterine cavity
    yes. Intramural: when fibroma develops in the milled muscle layer
    C. Subserosal: These fibroids develop in the outer layers of the uterus.
  1. How does the fibroid cause infertility?
    Not all types of fibroids cause infertility. Some of them cause depending on their location, type, size, and number. The most important causes are
    too. Some fibroids are large enough to distort the normal size and shape of the uterus and endometrial cavity-causing difficulty in embryo implantation.
    yes. Sometimes sperm and egg cannot find each other if fibroids located in the region of origin of the fallopian tubes cause mechanical obstruction.
    C. Some fibroids mechanically alter the inner lining where the embryo is attached. Some of them also change the local chemical balance and gene expression of the inner lining.
    re. Large fibroid changes the blood supply of the uterus
    . Some fibroids, due to their special location in the uterus, alter the normal cycle of relaxation of the uterine contraction
    F. Large fibroids at the lower uterine location or cervical fibroids make it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus
  2. Treatment
    Fibroid treatment is basically a good orchestration between your problems and the fibroma’s special character like size, number, location, and type. Not all types of fibroids need treatment. Some of them easily managed by medical treatments. But in some of them, such medical treatment is not only ineffective but also contraindicated. For these difficult fibroids, surgical treatment is required for permanent removal of the body.
    The surgical approach also depended heavily on the size, number, location, and type of fibroids. The innermost fibroids are easily removed by hysteroscopic myomectomy. No hospital admission is required for such an operation and you can go home the day of the operation. This type of operation is generally painless and does not give a single stitch.
    The rest of the fibroids can be removed by microsurgery, either by laparoscopy or by robotic surgery. These operations are minimally invasive, less painful, and require hospitalization for one day. There will only be a few stitches in the abdomen and you can resume your daily activities a few days after the operation. Some kind of time to give the uterus for healing before beginning any type of infertility treatment.
  3. Then the fibroids at a glance
    me. You are not alone if you have fibroids. Almost 80% of women suffer from fibroids in their life and it is a very common problem.
    ii. Not all types of fibroids cause problems. Some of the fibroids remain silent throughout life. Few fibroids depending on their location, type, size, and number cause infertility
    iii) All types of fibroids that cause infertility do not need surgery. Some of them easily managed by medical treatment. But for some difficult fibroids, surgery is necessary. Making a decision for surgery is also a challenge, as any type of surgery is not without risks. Such surgeries can be very easy or also very complicated.
    iv. Such surgeries are very effective and safe in experienced hands.
    v. Proper treatment of fibroids increases the possibility of pregnancy both naturally and in IVF.

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