Importance of Exercise to Improve Fertility

Emotional well-being and quality of life
When you maintain a healthy weight range, you reduce the risk of infertility and improve your chance to conceive spontaneously with Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). As we know, exercise is a key component of weight control. Let us know the benefits of exercise for fertility, emotional well-being, and quality of life.

Various studies and guidelines recommend that at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as brisk walking, dancing, or gardening, most days of the week, and preferably every day of the week, maintain your health. in better condition. If possible, some vigorous activities such as running, biking, or fast swimming should also be done weekly.

For overweight and obese men and women, exercise can go a long way toward maintaining weight or achieving moderate weight loss, thereby improving your overall health and fertility. As part of the research on weight management, the guidelines recommend that overweight or obese adults generally do 225 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. This reaches about 35 to 45 minutes per day.

How is exercise related to fertility improvement and ART results?

Regular moderate exercise tends to improve fertility and the chance of having a baby or conceiving with ART. Various research studies on the effects of exercise on fertility have found that vigorous exercise tends to reduce the risk of ovulation problems, while moderate exercise decreases the risk of miscarriage and increases the chance of having a baby among women. who undergo TAR.

PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is basically a complex condition that is associated with infertility. Women with PCOS often have irregular or no periods because they rarely ovulate. In the case of overweight and obese women with PCOS, regular exercise tends to increase the frequency of ovulation, leading to more regular menstrual cycles. As a result, ovulation becomes more frequent, and the chances of conceiving increase.

No doubt studies have shown that exercise increases female fertility, but it’s important to note that a lot of very high intensity exercise can actually reduce fertility and the chances of having a baby on ART. Therefore, it is much better to avoid very high intensity exercise when trying to get pregnant.

When it comes to men, obesity is believed to reduce sperm quality and fertility. When men practice regular moderate exercise, it helps them lose weight, staying in a healthy weight range, thereby improving sperm quality. And the same goes for men too: a lot of high-intensity exercise can be detrimental to sperm quality and should be avoided when trying to achieve pregnancy.

How does exercise improve the quality of life and emotional well-being?

As previously stated, a light and a moderate level of exercise improves quality of life and emotional well-being in healthy women and men. It is observed that among infertile women, exercise after being part of a lifestyle improvement program reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression and improves self-esteem. Additionally, in women with PCOS, exercise improves health-related quality of life and reduces symptoms of depression and body image distress.

How to find time to exercise?

Busy lives and schedules can make it difficult to find time to exercise. When you incorporate exercise into your daily activities, you increase your chance of achieving your recommended physical activity goals. Whenever possible, walk or bike instead of driving, leave the elevator and go upstairs, and get off your bus or tram one or two stops before your final destination. This type of short walk will help you do the proper exercise you need for good health and optimal fertility.

After following all these steps and measuring to achieve pregnancy, if you still cannot conceive, you should visit a fertility center like ferty9 fertility center and get the best resolution. The expert fertility specialist there can help you at every step to achieve parenthood and regain your lost happiness.

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