How can I increase the Chances of Having a Healthy Pregnancy?

Indian women, compared to other ethnic groups, appear to be more likely to abort their first pregnancy or to experience recurrent miscarriages. The occurrence of miscarriages in India has been reported to be around 30%, with up to 22% loss before pregnancy has been clinically recognized.

With infertility being a big problem today … maintaining a healthy pregnancy after going through great difficulties with conception has become very important. But pregnancy, whether conceived naturally or through medication, is a great event in a woman’s life and is always precious. Therefore, the question of how to improve the chances of a healthy pregnancy haunts the minds of all Indian women.

For those who suffer recurrent miscarriages (more than 3 consecutive miscarriages), pregnancy with medical risks or increased maternal age …, there are other factors that should be considered and cared for, so a periodic visit is recommended. to the health professional. But for the general population here are some factors that can help you achieve a healthy pregnancy. We will divide it into pre-pregnancy and what to do and what not to do in pregnancy.

Planning a pregnancy is extremely important since it gives us the option of having a baby when we are ready for it. The decision to carry a baby should include both the partner and to avoid the adverse effects of the intake of toxic substances and stress, which could be avoided before pregnancy.

A diet rich in fiber, antioxidants, and minerals is recommended before and throughout your pregnancy.
Supplements such as folic acid 400 micrograms daily 6 months before pregnancy are recommended to avoid neural tube defects. Intake of vitamin B is recommended to prevent miscarriages.

◆ Smoking, drinking alcohol, and drug use should be avoided as it can cause sudden intrauterine fetal death, premature delivery, or various abnormalities.

◆ Get to a healthy weight since obesity can decrease your chances of getting pregnant and after pregnancy you can increase the risk of hypertension, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus and cesarean section.

◆ Keep medical conditions under control, as they can flare up during pregnancy. Catch up on vaccines like rubella and measles.

◆ Know the family history of any congenital disease, any case of delayed milestones, either intellectually or physically.

As soon as the pregnancy is evident, it is highly recommended to visit the health professional for further guidance during the pregnancy. A proper prenatal checkup and good prenatal care can ensure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

The important points are:
◆ Healthy diet along with supplements like folic acid, iron, calcium and vitamins. Caffeine intake should be limited as it can cause a miscarriage.
◆ Do not use alcohol, tobacco, etc.
◆ Medications taken should be provided by the healthcare provider only because self-medication can be harmful to the growing fetus. Medications taken before pregnancy should be consulted again, as it can be teratogenic.
◆ Avoid exposure to harmful and toxic substances such as radiation, occupational hazards.
◆ Regular dental check-ups are recommended.
◆ Regular exercise or yoga is recommended, but heavy work should be avoided.
◆ Regular ultrasound is recommended during pregnancy to improve the fetus and the mother.

And last but not least, one must know when to call or visit the doctor, apart from regular check-ups:
➢ In case of abdominal pain or severe cramps,
➢ Vaginal bleeding or leaks,
➢ dizziness or fainting,
➢ Shortness of breath,
➢ heart palpitations,
➢ Less movement of the baby.

➢ Chromosomal
➢ immunological
➢ Endocrine
➢ Hematological
➢ thrombotic
➢ Infectious agent
➢ Teratogens
➢ Unknown

⚫ 12-24 WKS
➢ Chromosomal or single gene defects
➢ immunological
➢ uterine
➢ Unknown

➢ Defect of a single gene
➢ immunological
➢ thrombotic
➢ Cervical or uterine
➢ Unknown

These are the common cause of miscarriage and can be fairly avoided if the cause is known.
✓ Immunological, thrombotic and infectious causes can be treated with appropriate medications, injections as advised by doctors.
✓ The cervical or uterine cause can be avoided by some surgical procedures such as hysteroscopy and cerclage operations.
✓ Chromosomal or single gene defect: With the era of assisted reproduction, defects can be avoided in the embryonic stages by doing PGS / PGD. Or if the pregnancy has progressed, it can be detected with various aneuploidy screenings.

The causes can vary, but the precautions that must be maintained are the same, if followed diligently we can reduce the possibility of miscarriage and give birth to a healthy pregnancy and a good baby.

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