Monthly Archives: May 2020

Female Infertility and IVF

Female Infertility and IVF

The IVF procedure is one of the renowned treatments for female infertility. As we know, infertility has become a serious problem today, which greatly affects young generations. Due to this, around 27.5 million couples in India cannot conceive. Of the total infertile population, 30% explain female infertility, 30% due to male infertility, 20% in both cases, and the remaining 20%…

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Why Artificial Insemination Usually Fails

Why Artificial Insemination Usually Fails

Intrauterine insemination is an ART technique in the treatment of infertility in which the washed and concentrated sperm are placed inside a woman’s uterus with the help of a catheter. It is used in a variety of infertility causes such as mild male infertility, unexplained infertility, mild endometriosis, cervical factor infertility, ejaculatory disorders, vaginismus, etc.The IUI success rate even in…

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How to decide which embryo can be used during IVF?

How to decide which embryo can be used during IVF?

ART (assisted reproductive technology) has proven to be a boon for infertile couples. A few decades ago, an infertile couple would spend their entire lives yearning for a baby if traditional methods did not produce a result. With the advent of ART, almost any infertility problem can be effectively addressed. Let’s get to the basics first. What is art? It…

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Fibroids And Infertility: Few Facts Must Be Known

Fibroids And Infertility: Few Facts Must Be Known

Fibroids And Infertility What are fibroids?Fibroids are a type of smooth muscle uterine tumor. It usually resembles a fibrous muscle structure. It is a very common problem for women in your life. Is it cancerous or evil?Although fibroids are tumors, they are generally not malignant or cancerous. In very rare cases it becomes cancerous or malignant. In general, fibroids are…

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What are the common signs of Embryo Implantation?

What are the common signs of Embryo Implantation?

In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment and advances in it are making it possible for many couples to experience parenthood. The IVF treatment and course of implantation involved are quietly stressful, especially the two-week waiting period after embryo transfer. What is implantation during pregnancy? Implantation is one of the unpredictable biological events of the entire pregnancy: conception is the first and only…

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Three Symptoms of Infertility in Women

Three Symptoms of Infertility in Women

Most women or their families do not consider being infertile until they are faced with the inability to conceive. In some cases, the late diagnosis will influence the effectiveness of treatment, further delaying pregnancy. Knowing some of the easily identifiable symptoms will help women better understand their reproductive health. Abnormal periods Abnormal and irregular periods are the most common and…

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How Many IVF Cycles Needed For A Successful Pregnancy

How Many IVF Cycles Needed For A Successful Pregnancy

Experiencing parenthood is the most desirable wish to come true for any couple who has long planned to conceive. There is tremendous pressure from society and family and it also involves a great deal of psychological and financial trauma for those who have failed despite repeated attempts. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a boon for many of those people who…

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How to eat Healthy during Pregnancy

How to eat Healthy during Pregnancy

A nutritious and balanced diet is vital when you are pregnant, as this determines how well your baby will develop and grow. Here are some tips to keep in mind to achieve a balanced and healthy diet in your pregnancy. Proteins: The most essential part of your diet during pregnancy is protein. Proteins are the building blocks of the body…

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Signs that you are at the most fertile point

Signs that you are at the most fertile point

The time of the month that your menstrual cycle occurs is an important thing to expect if you are trying to conceive. The cycle generally lasts 28 to 32 days, and your body releases an egg after 12 to 16 days. This is when ovulation occurs where your body is preparing to become pregnant while your menstrual cycle is still…

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