Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Is A Continuing Source of Common Misunderstanding

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a crucial medical condition that features a metabolic and reproductive impact. PCOS is extremely common and affects one in 10 women of reproductive age; however, several studies place the share of girls impacted between eight and 13%. Polycystic ovary syndrome may be a continuous source of common misunderstandings. Despite its name, PCOS isn’t primarily a drag within the ovaries, but a scarcity of proper communication between the brain and therefore the ovaries. Insulin resistance or prediabetes also seems to play a crucial role in most cases of PCOS.

This syndrome has been studied for quite 75 years and, however, a number of the causes of the syndrome remain unknown. the foremost common presentations are irregular menses and abnormal hair growth, or acne caused by elevated testosterone levels in women. There are many false ideas about PCOS that I hope to explore thoroughly here. These are the questions or statements that I commonly hear from my PCOS patients.

1. “I have gained a lot of weight over the last two years because I have PCOS.”

Many women believe that it’s thanks to their polycystic ovaries that they need gained weight. This statement isn’t true. many ladies with PCOS have insulin resistance or prediabetes. it’s these metabolic abnormalities that will cause weight gain or difficulty losing weight. equivalent metabolic abnormalities prevent regular ovulation and make multiple follicles within the ovaries, that is, the ovaries begin to seem as polycystic ovaries. Loss of weight of 5 to 10 can help women with PCOS to ovulate more regularly and improve their hormonal profile. it’s not PCOS that has caused weight gain, but metabolic abnormalities, including weight gain, which has caused irregular menstruation and polycystic ovaries.

2. “I have been told I have PCOS. I am concerned that I have large cystic ovaries and may need surgery to remove these large ovarian cysts.”

The truth is that polycystic ovary syndrome may be a terrible name for this syndrome; Many follicular ovary syndromes would be a more appropriate name. The ovaries don’t have large cysts, but more follicles than the typical woman. during a woman on a traditional bicycle, a couple of follicles will develop monthly and, finally, one will release an egg (ovulate), leaving the ovary with a couple of small follicles. In polycystic ovary syndrome, the follicles begin to develop but never receive adequate stimulation of the brain, numerous small follicles remain. Women with PCOS don’t necessarily have an increased risk of huge ovarian cysts or surgery. they are doing not have large cysts, but simply more small follicles than the typical woman.

3. “I have been told I have PCOS and therefore am worried that I will never be able to have a baby. I am concerned that my ovaries are defective or have aged prematurely.”

Women with PCOS don’t specifically have a drag with their ovaries, but they need a drag with proper signaling between the ovaries and therefore the brain. Her fertility doesn’t decrease faster than the fertility of a mean woman. Women with PCOS have normal fertility once they undergo IVF. additionally, women with PCOS have very high levels of AMH that are a marker for increased fertility. They simply have many healthy follicles in their ovaries. In women with PCOS, the brain is usually not pointing the ovaries correctly; therefore, the follicles don’t develop and a lady doesn’t ovulate. Abnormal signals from the brain to the ovaries cause the ovaries to supply additional testosterone. Sometimes, elevated insulin levels and insulin-like protein levels interfere with proper communication from the brain to the ovary, which prevents ovulation.

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